Working Session Webinar: Second Draw PPP Loan Application, SVO Grants, EIDL Advance & More! 4/7/21
Becoming Self Made has launched a webinar series connecting women, small business owners and independent contractors to resources at the Federal & State Level amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Watch Now: WORKING SESSION WEBINAR: Second Draw PPP Loan Application, SVO Grants, EIDL, EIDL Advance & More, powered by Money Lion and The Adelante Movement Nonprofit, featuring experts from the Small Business Administration (SBA) At the end of the webinar, you will know how to: Apply for PPP Second Draw – We walk through the round two application form and provide you with the latest greatest program updates. Notice: PPP ends May 31, 2021. All PPP information can be found at See here to download application: PPP Second Draw Application. Apply for the Shuttered Venue Operator’s (SVO) Grant – Learn who can apply, how to apply, and a detailed overview on the Preliminary Application Checklist. Click here to download checklist ahead of time. Apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) & gain updates on EIDL Advance – A quick run through on the online EIDL application and updates on EIDL and EIDL Advance. The deadline to apply for EIDL is December 31st, 2021. There is no application for EIDL Advance. The SBA will send an email to those who qualify with steps to follow. Listen and learn from other questions asked during the LIVE Q&A with our experts from the SBA! There is upcoming information on the Restaurant Relief Program coming soon. Stay tuned!
Becoming Self Made has launched a webinar series connecting women, small business owners and independent contractors to resources at the Federal & State Level amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Watch Now: WORKING SESSION WEBINAR: Second Draw PPP Loan Application, SVO Grants, EIDL, EIDL Advance & More, powered by Money Lion and The Adelante Movement Nonprofit, featuring experts from the Small Business Administration (SBA) At the end of the webinar, you will know how to: Apply for PPP Second Draw – We walk through the round two application form and provide you with the latest greatest program updates. Notice: PPP ends May 31, 2021. All PPP information can be found at See here to download application: PPP Second Draw Application. Apply for the Shuttered Venue Operator’s (SVO) Grant – Learn who can apply, how to apply, and a detailed overview on the Preliminary Application Checklist. Click here to download checklist ahead of time. Apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) & gain updates on EIDL Advance – A quick run through on the online EIDL application and updates on EIDL and EIDL Advance. The deadline to apply for EIDL is December 31st, 2021. There is no application for EIDL Advance. The SBA will send an email to those who qualify with steps to follow. Listen and learn from other questions asked during the LIVE Q&A with our experts from the SBA! There is upcoming information on the Restaurant Relief Program coming soon. Stay tuned!

Becoming Self Made has launched a webinar series connecting women, small business owners and independent contractors to resources at the Federal & State Level amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Watch Now: WORKING SESSION WEBINAR: Second Draw PPP Loan Application, SVO Grants, EIDL, EIDL Advance & More, powered by Money Lion and The Adelante Movement Nonprofit, featuring experts from the Small Business Administration (SBA) At the end of the webinar, you will know how to: Apply for PPP Second Draw – We walk through the round two application form and provide you with the latest greatest program updates. Notice: PPP ends May 31, 2021. All PPP information can be found at See here to download application: PPP Second Draw Application. Apply for the Shuttered Venue Operator’s (SVO) Grant – Learn who can apply, how to apply, and a detailed overview on the Preliminary Application Checklist. Click here to download checklist ahead of time. Apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) & gain updates on EIDL Advance – A quick run through on the online EIDL application and updates on EIDL and EIDL Advance. The deadline to apply for EIDL is December 31st, 2021. There is no application for EIDL Advance. The SBA will send an email to those who qualify with steps to follow. Listen and learn from other questions asked during the LIVE Q&A with our experts from the SBA! There is upcoming information on the Restaurant Relief Program coming soon. Stay tuned!